
a simple time card webapp
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index.html (932B)

      1 {% extends 'base.html' %}
      3 {% block title %}Employee Reports{% endblock %}
      5 {% block content %}
      6 	<section class="admin-grid">
      7 		<!-- returned values from admin check is array of permissive ACCESS else return 'missing permissions response' -->
      8 		<section class="agreements">
      9 			<h3>Hours by Employee</h3>
     10 			<table>
     11 				<tr><th>First</th><th>Middle</th><th>Last</th><th>Pay</th><th>Hours</th></tr>
     12 			{%- for user in users %}
     13 			{#
     14 			<tr><td>{{user.fname}}</td><td>{{user.mname}}</td><td>{{user.lname}}</td><td>{{user.pay_value}}</td><td>{{user.total_hours}}</td><td><a href="{{url_for('employee_report',username=user.username)}}"><button>More</button></a></td></tr>
     15 			#}
     16 			{{ user }}
     17 			{% endfor %}
     18 			</table>
     19 		</section>
     20 		{%- for x in ['reports','roles','users'] %}
     21 			{% include 'admin/'~x~'/widget.html' %}
     22 		{%- else-%}
     23 			{{ 'You do not have permission to access this page' }}
     24 		{%- endfor %}
     25 	</section>
     26 {% endblock %}