
a simple time card webapp
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upload.html (955B)

      1 {% extends 'base.html' %}
      3 {% block title %}Upload{% endblock %}
      5 {% block content %}
      6 {% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
      7 {% if messages %}
      8 	{% for message in messages %}
      9 	<div id="messagebanner"><p>{{ message }}</p></div>
     10 	{% endfor %}
     11 {% endif %}
     12 {% endwith %}
     13 	<a href="{{ url_for('meetings.meeting',meeting_id=meeting['meeting_id']) }}">back to meeting</a>
     14 	<section class="hours-grid">{#class="meeting">#}
     15 		<h2>{{ }} {{ upload.time().isoformat(timespec='minutes') }}</h2>
     16 		<p>Upload document to {{ meeting['timestamp'].date() }} Meeting for {{ meeting['meeting_description'] }}</p>
     17 		<form action="" method="POST" novalidate enctype="multipart/form-data">
     18 			{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
     19 			{{ form.document() }}
     20 			{{ form.submit_file() }}
     21 		</form>
     22 		{% if meeting.documents %}
     23 			<h2>existing documents</h2>
     24 			{% for doc in meeting['documents'] %}
     25 				<p>{{ doc }}</p>
     26 			{% endfor %}
     27 		{% endif %}
     28 	</section>
     29 {% endblock %}