1 # MAJOR General Functionality 2 - [ ] Agreement and Project Management Refining 3 - [ ] Clean up interface 4 - [ ] Functional Fleet management and checkin/checkout 5 - [ ] Navigation tweaks 6 - [ ] Active(clocked in) Users[widget] should be refined to Active Projects for scalability, selecting a clocked in project shows crew members clocked into said project. 7 - [ ] Progressive Web App Implementation 8 - [ ] css sidebar for admin and accessable toolbar 9 - [ ] fleet entries must function 10 11 # MINOR Functional tasks 12 - [ ] users page change fname, mname, lname links 13 - [ ] Consolidate active and inactive users page. 14 - [ ] Consolidate update and new form pages 15 - [ ] users 16 - [ ] project 17 - [ ] agreement 18 - [ ] When users are set to inactive or active (probably just inactive) should remove all current/existing sessions 19 - [ ] executive director sets default agreement wages per role, on end of fiscal year(Nolan says March 1st) set confirmed:False and prompt Executive director for new values (might as well offer fringe update) 20 - [ ] Change branch for project must allow for Global change(check if == "Global") 21 - [X] newproject should take values for FE#, Name, and optional description? 22 - [ ] Should add check to enforce unique`project_name... Easy to do if check value of FE integer after submission of form.` 23 - [ ] add remove agreement 24 WARNING CONFIRM form 25 - [ ] must move or remove child projects (NOLAN SAYS JUST WARN NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED AND REDIRECT DON'T REMOVE) 26 - [ ] remove times if project is deleted? Move to YEP General to continue to pay employees? MUST ADDRESS ENTRIES BEFORE PROJECT IS ACTUALLY REMOVED 27 - [X] add change agreement name 28 - [>] add remove project 29 WARNING CONFIRM form 30 - [ ] must offer to change all time entries under project to another project CURRENTLY ORPHANS ENTRIES 31 - [X] ''' 32 db.agreements_collection.updateOne({agreement_name:project_name},{$pull:{projects:{$in:[project_id]}}}) 33 ''' 34 - [X] add change project name 35 - [X] add move project 36 - [X] ''' 37 db.agreements_collection.updateOne({agreement_name:project_current_agreement_name},{$pull:{projects:{$in:[project_id]}}}) 38 ''' 39 - [X] ''' 40 db.agreements_collection.updateOne({agreement_name:project_new_agreement_name},{$push:{projects:project_id}}) 41 ''' 42 - [X] `db.projects_collection.updateOne({_id:project_id},{agreement:new_agreement_id})` 43 - [X] hours page change project linking 44 - [X] hours page swap to aggregate and allow sort accending recent 45 - [>] time entries must enforce positive time values 46 - [x] form requires positive values through validation 47 - [ ] update forms must check present values (must check after submit) 48 - [X] rework admin page flow to show agency for projects?... wanted to sort and display by agency, but is many to one relationship... 49 ### Unclear on how to do the below, doesn't appear to be able to remove session from client or make invalid session... 50 ### Will likely have to overload the @login_required fn to check for user is_active... will have to on route check for updates, not sure if user object is refreshing every page... likely just being set on login. 51 - [X] Change username to firstname lastname for today 52 - [X] change all match from feb 1 to today for nolan to tnc management 53 54 If genrate spreadsheet fleet is billable calculate fleet, else return 0 on sheet.