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icon.tsx (5933B)

      1 import * as React from "react";
      2 import { Button, ChevronDownIcon, classNames, wrapFieldsWithMeta } from "tinacms";
      3 import { Icon, IconOptions } from "../../components/util/icon";
      4 import {BiChevronRight} from "react-icons/bi"
      5 import {GoCircleSlash} from "react-icons/go"
      6 import { Popover, Transition } from "@headlessui/react";
      8 const parseIconName = (name: string) => {
      9   const splitName = name.split(/(?=[A-Z])/);
     10   if (splitName.length > 1) {
     11     return splitName.slice(1).join(" ");
     12   } else {
     13     return name;
     14   }
     15 };
     17 export const IconPickerInput = wrapFieldsWithMeta(({ input }) => {
     18   const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState("");
     19   const filteredBlocks = React.useMemo(() => {
     20     return Object.keys(IconOptions).filter((name) => {
     21       return name.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase());
     22     });
     23   }, [filter]);
     25   const inputLabel = Object.keys(IconOptions).includes(input.value)
     26     ? parseIconName(input.value)
     27     : "Select Icon";
     28   const InputIcon = IconOptions[input.value] ? IconOptions[input.value] : null;
     30   return (
     31     <div className="relative z-[1000]">
     32       <input type="text" id={input.name} className="hidden" {...input} />
     33       <Popover>
     34         {({ open }) => (
     35           <>
     36             <Popover.Button>
     37               <Button
     38                 className={`text-sm h-11 px-4 ${InputIcon ? "h-11" : "h-10"}`}
     39                 size="custom"
     40                 rounded="full"
     41                 variant={open ? "secondary" : "white"}
     42               >
     43                 {InputIcon && (
     44                   <InputIcon className="w-7 mr-1 h-auto fill-current text-blue-500" />
     45                 )}
     46                 {inputLabel}
     47                 {!InputIcon && (
     48                   <BiChevronRight className="w-5 h-auto fill-current opacity-70 ml-1" />
     49                 )}
     50               </Button>
     51             </Popover.Button>
     52             <div
     53               className="absolute w-full min-w-[192px] max-w-2xl -bottom-2 left-0 translate-y-full"
     54               style={{ zIndex: 1000 }}
     55             >
     56               <Transition
     57                 enter="transition duration-150 ease-out"
     58                 enterFrom="transform opacity-0 -translate-y-2"
     59                 enterTo="transform opacity-100 translate-y-0"
     60                 leave="transition duration-75 ease-in"
     61                 leaveFrom="transform opacity-100 translate-y-0"
     62                 leaveTo="transform opacity-0 -translate-y-2"
     63               >
     64                 <Popover.Panel className="relative overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-lg bg-white border border-gray-150 z-50">
     65                   {({ close }) => (
     66                     <div className="max-h-[24rem] flex flex-col w-full h-full">
     67                       <div className="bg-gray-50 p-2 border-b border-gray-100 z-10 shadow-sm">
     68                         <input
     69                           type="text"
     70                           className="bg-white text-sm rounded-sm border border-gray-100 shadow-inner py-1.5 px-2.5 w-full block placeholder-gray-200"
     71                           onClick={(event: any) => {
     72                             event.stopPropagation();
     73                             event.preventDefault();
     74                           }}
     75                           value={filter}
     76                           onChange={(event: any) => {
     77                             setFilter(event.target.value);
     78                           }}
     79                           placeholder="Filter..."
     80                         />
     81                       </div>
     82                       {filteredBlocks.length === 0 && (
     83                         <span className="relative text-center text-xs px-2 py-3 text-gray-300 bg-gray-50 italic">
     84                           No matches found
     85                         </span>
     86                       )}
     87                       {filteredBlocks.length > 0 && (
     88                         <div className="w-full grid grid-cols-6 auto-rows-auto p-2 overflow-y-auto">
     89                           <button
     90                             className="relative rounded-lg text-center text-xs py-2 px-3 flex-1 outline-none transition-all ease-out duration-150 hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500 focus:bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-50"
     91                             key={"clear-input"}
     92                             onClick={() => {
     93                               input.onChange("");
     94                               setFilter("");
     95                               close();
     96                             }}
     97                           >
     98                             <GoCircleSlash className="w-6 h-auto text-gray-200" />
     99                           </button>
    100                           {filteredBlocks.map((name) => {
    101                             return (
    102                               <button
    103                                 className="relative flex items-center justify-center rounded-lg text-center text-xs py-2 px-3 flex-1 outline-none transition-all ease-out duration-150 hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500 focus:bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-50"
    104                                 key={name}
    105                                 onClick={() => {
    106                                   input.onChange(name);
    107                                   setFilter("");
    108                                   close();
    109                                 }}
    110                               >
    111                                 <Icon
    112                                   data={{
    113                                     name: name,
    114                                     size: "custom",
    115                                     color: "blue",
    116                                   }}
    117                                   className="w-7 h-auto"
    118                                 />
    119                               </button>
    120                             );
    121                           })}
    122                         </div>
    123                       )}
    124                     </div>
    125                   )}
    126                 </Popover.Panel>
    127               </Transition>
    128             </div>
    129           </>
    130         )}
    131       </Popover>
    132     </div>
    133   );
    134 });