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page.ts (1290B)

      1 import type { Collection } from "tinacms";
      2 import { heroBlockSchema } from "../../components/blocks/hero";
      3 import { contentBlockSchema } from "../../components/blocks/content";
      4 import { testimonialBlockSchema } from "../../components/blocks/testimonial";
      5 import { featureBlockSchema } from "../../components/blocks/features";
      7 const Page: Collection = {
      8   label: "Pages",
      9   name: "page",
     10   path: "content/pages",
     11   ui: {
     12     router: ({ document }) => {
     13       if (document._sys.filename === "home") {
     14         return `/`;
     15       }
     16       if (document._sys.filename === "about") {
     17         return `/about`;
     18       }
     19       return undefined;
     20     },
     21   },
     22   fields: [
     23     {
     24       type: "string",
     25       label: "Title",
     26       name: "title",
     27       description:
     28         "The title of the page. This is used to display the title in the CMS",
     29       isTitle: true,
     30       required: true,
     31     },
     32     {
     33       type: "object",
     34       list: true,
     35       name: "blocks",
     36       label: "Sections",
     37       ui: {
     38         visualSelector: true,
     39       },
     40       templates: [
     41         heroBlockSchema,
     42         // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
     43         // @ts-ignore
     44         featureBlockSchema,
     45         contentBlockSchema,
     46         testimonialBlockSchema,
     47       ],
     48     },
     49   ],
     50 };
     52 export default Page;