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404.tsx (561B)

      1 import { Hero } from "../components/blocks/hero";
      2 import Layout from "../components/layout/layout";
      4 export default function FourOhFour() {
      5   return (
      6     <Layout>
      7       <Hero
      8         data={{
      9           color: "default",
     10           headline: "404 – Page Not Found",
     11           text: "Oops! It seems there's nothing here, how embarrassing.",
     12           actions: [
     13             {
     14               label: "Return Home",
     15               type: "button",
     16               icon: true,
     17               link: "/",
     18             },
     19           ],
     20         }}
     21       />
     22     </Layout>
     23   );
     24 }