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next.config.js (530B)

      1 module.exports = {
      2   images: {
      3     remotePatterns: [
      4       {
      5         protocol: "https",
      6         hostname: "assets.tina.io",
      7         port: "",
      8       },
      9     ],
     10   },
     11   webpack(config) {
     12     config.module.rules.push({
     13       test: /\.svg$/i,
     14       issuer: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
     15       use: ["@svgr/webpack"],
     16     });
     18     return config;
     19   },
     20   async rewrites() {
     21     return [
     22       {
     23         source: "/",
     24         destination: "/home",
     25       },
     26       {
     27         source: "/admin",
     28         destination: "/admin/index.html",
     29       },
     30     ];
     31   },
     32 };