
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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home.md (2352B)

      1 ---
      2 title: Tina Cloud Starter
      3 blocks:
      4   - headline: Welcome to the Tina Starter
      5     text2: >
      6       ## Developers
      9       This project is set up to show you the basics of working with Tina. You're
     10       looking at the landing page, which pulls content from
     11       `content/pages/home.md`, components from components/blocks, and puts them
     12       all together in `pages/[filename].tsx`, all based on a config
     13       `tina/config.tsx`.
     14     text: >
     15       ## **Editors**
     18       **Click this box to start editing it**. You will see the matching field
     19       appear in the left sidebar for you to make changes. The edits will show in
     20       this live preview. In that left panel, you can also navigate around the
     21       page to change what you are editing (or just click a component here in the
     22       preview, like you did before).
     25       **Clicking 'Save' won't do anything in this demo** - but on your site it
     26       will save the changes immediately or send an approval request to your team
     27       for review.
     28     actions:
     29       - label: Get Started
     30         type: button
     31         icon: true
     32         link: /posts
     33       - label: Read Blog
     34         type: link
     35         icon: false
     36         link: /posts
     37     image:
     38       src: /uploads/unsplash-75EFpyXu3Wg.jpg
     39       alt: >-
     40         Photo of palm trees at sunset by Adam Birkett -
     41         unsplash.com/photos/75EFpyXu3Wg
     42     color: default
     43     _template: hero
     44   - items:
     45       - icon:
     46           name: BiCodeBlock
     47           color: red
     48           style: float
     49         title: Amazing Feature
     50         text: >-
     51           Aliquam blandit felis rhoncus, eleifend ipsum in, condimentum nibh.
     52           Praesent ac faucibus risus, eu lacinia enim.
     53       - icon:
     54           name: BiLike
     55           color: primary
     56           style: float
     57         title: This Is a Feature
     58         text: Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices.
     59       - icon:
     60           name: BiPalette
     61           color: green
     62           style: float
     63         title: Configurable Theme
     64         text: >-
     65           Edit global theme configuration with Tina. Change your theme's primary
     66           color, font, or icon set.
     67     color: tint
     68     _template: features
     69   - quote: >-
     70       There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and
     71       naming things.
     72     author: Phil Karlton
     73     color: primary
     74     _template: testimonial
     75 ---