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hero.tsx (6147B)

      1 import * as React from "react";
      2 import { Actions } from "../util/actions";
      3 import { Container } from "../util/container";
      4 import { Section } from "../util/section";
      5 import { useTheme } from "../layout";
      6 import { TinaMarkdown } from "tinacms/dist/rich-text";
      7 import type { TinaTemplate } from "tinacms";
      8 import { PageBlocksHero } from "../../tina/__generated__/types";
      9 import { tinaField } from "tinacms/dist/react";
     10 import Image from "next/image";
     12 export const Hero = ({ data }: { data: PageBlocksHero }) => {
     13   const theme = useTheme();
     14   const headlineColorClasses = {
     15     blue: "from-blue-400 to-blue-600",
     16     teal: "from-teal-400 to-teal-600",
     17     green: "from-green-400 to-green-600",
     18     red: "from-red-400 to-red-600",
     19     pink: "from-pink-400 to-pink-600",
     20     purple: "from-purple-400 to-purple-600",
     21     orange: "from-orange-300 to-orange-600",
     22     yellow: "from-yellow-400 to-yellow-600",
     23   };
     25   return (
     26     <Section color={data.color}>
     27       <Container
     28         size="large"
     29         className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-5 gap-14 items-start justify-center"
     30       >
     31         <div className="row-start-2 md:row-start-1 md:col-span-5 text-center md:text-left">
     32           {data.tagline && (
     33             <h2
     34               data-tina-field={tinaField(data, "tagline")}
     35               className="relative inline-block px-3 py-1 mb-8 text-md font-bold tracking-wide title-font z-20"
     36             >
     37               {data.tagline}
     38               <span className="absolute w-full h-full left-0 top-0 rounded-full -z-1 bg-current opacity-7"></span>
     39             </h2>
     40           )}
     41           {data.headline && (
     42             <h3
     43               data-tina-field={tinaField(data, "headline")}
     44               className={`w-full relative mb-10 text-5xl font-extrabold tracking-normal leading-tight title-font`}
     45             >
     46               <span
     47                 className={`bg-clip-text text-transparent bg-gradient-to-r  ${
     48                   data.color === "primary"
     49                     ? `from-white to-gray-100`
     50                     : headlineColorClasses[theme.color]
     51                 }`}
     52               >
     53                 {data.headline}
     54               </span>
     55             </h3>
     56           )}
     57           <div className="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-6">
     58             <div className="flex flex-col md:w-3/5">
     59               {data.text && (
     60                 <div
     61                   data-tina-field={tinaField(data, "text")}
     62                   className={`prose prose-lg mx-auto md:mx-0 mb-10 ${
     63                     data.color === "primary"
     64                       ? `prose-primary`
     65                       : `dark:prose-dark`
     66                   }`}
     67                 >
     68                   <TinaMarkdown content={data.text} />
     69                 </div>
     70               )}
     71             </div>
     72             {data.image && (
     73               <div
     74                 data-tina-field={tinaField(data.image, "src")}
     75                 className="relative flex-shrink-0 md:w-2/5 flex justify-center"
     76               >
     77                 <Image
     78                   className="w-full h-auto max-w-full rounded-lg"
     79                   style={{ objectFit: "cover" }}
     80                   alt={data.image.alt}
     81                   src={data.image.src}
     82                   width={500}
     83                   height={500}
     84                 />
     85               </div>
     86             )}
     87           </div>
     88           {data.text2 && (
     89             <div
     90               data-tina-field={tinaField(data, "text2")}
     91               className={`prose prose-lg mx-auto md:mx-0 mb-10 ${
     92                 data.color === "primary" ? `prose-primary` : `dark:prose-dark`
     93               }`}
     94             >
     95               <TinaMarkdown content={data.text2} />
     96             </div>
     97           )}
     98           {data.actions && (
     99             <div className="mt-10">
    100               <Actions
    101                 className="justify-center md:justify-start py-2"
    102                 parentColor={data.color}
    103                 actions={data.actions}
    104               />
    105             </div>
    106           )}
    107         </div>
    108       </Container>
    109     </Section>
    110   );
    111 };
    113 export const heroBlockSchema: TinaTemplate = {
    114   name: "hero",
    115   label: "Hero",
    116   ui: {
    117     previewSrc: "/blocks/hero.png",
    118     defaultItem: {
    119       tagline: "Here's some text above the other text",
    120       headline: "This Big Text is Totally Awesome",
    121       text: "Phasellus scelerisque, libero eu finibus rutrum, risus risus accumsan libero, nec molestie urna dui a leo.",
    122     },
    123   },
    124   fields: [
    125     {
    126       type: "string",
    127       label: "Tagline",
    128       name: "tagline",
    129     },
    130     {
    131       type: "string",
    132       label: "Headline",
    133       name: "headline",
    134     },
    135     {
    136       label: "Text-1",
    137       name: "text",
    138       type: "rich-text",
    139     },
    140     {
    141       type: "rich-text",
    142       label: "Text-2",
    143       name: "text2",
    144     },
    145     {
    146       label: "Actions",
    147       name: "actions",
    148       type: "object",
    149       list: true,
    150       ui: {
    151         defaultItem: {
    152           label: "Action Label",
    153           type: "button",
    154           icon: true,
    155           link: "/",
    156         },
    157         itemProps: (item) => ({ label: item.label }),
    158       },
    159       fields: [
    160         {
    161           label: "Label",
    162           name: "label",
    163           type: "string",
    164         },
    165         {
    166           label: "Type",
    167           name: "type",
    168           type: "string",
    169           options: [
    170             { label: "Button", value: "button" },
    171             { label: "Link", value: "link" },
    172           ],
    173         },
    174         {
    175           label: "Icon",
    176           name: "icon",
    177           type: "boolean",
    178         },
    179         {
    180           label: "Link",
    181           name: "link",
    182           type: "string",
    183         },
    184       ],
    185     },
    186     {
    187       type: "object",
    188       label: "Image",
    189       name: "image",
    190       fields: [
    191         {
    192           name: "src",
    193           label: "Image Source",
    194           type: "image",
    195         },
    196         {
    197           name: "alt",
    198           label: "Alt Text",
    199           type: "string",
    200         },
    201       ],
    202     },
    203     {
    204       type: "string",
    205       label: "Color",
    206       name: "color",
    207       options: [
    208         { label: "Default", value: "default" },
    209         { label: "Tint", value: "tint" },
    210         { label: "Primary", value: "primary" },
    211       ],
    212     },
    213   ],
    214 };